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Momoi Momo
Momo, who visited the hospital due to abdominal pain, finds herself in an embarrassing situation when the female doctor begins a rectal examination. As the doctor's fingers touch Momo's anus, she is suddenly overcome by a strong urge to defecate. An emergency commode is quickly provided, allowing Momo to relieve herself on the spot. After the disposal of the waste, the doctor proceeds to trim Momo's pubic hair for better visibility of her genital area, despite Momo's regular grooming, for a thorough examination. The interrupted rectal examination resumes with thorough anal massage and cautious finger insertion. Momo's anus is soft, allowing easy access to the rectum. Perhaps due to the stimulation of her bladder by the doctor's fingers, Momo experiences a sudden urge to urinate and is handed a urinal. Under the influence of intestinal irritation, Momo also experiences fecal incontinence during urination. To absorb the heat from Momo's overworked anus, a metal rod is inserted as part of the treatment. To address Momo's constipation, which is the cause of her abdominal pain, a large amount of medicinal fluid is administered via enema to cleanse her intestines. Anticipating resistance, Momo is seated on a gynecological examination table with handcuffs and her limbs are secured. Deprived of bodily freedom, Momo is unable to resist even when her sensitive nipples are stimulated. A liter of Illygarth is prepared with medicinal fluid, and through repeated injections and excretions, accumulated feces are expelled. The first enema results in the discharge of clear water, but subsequent enemas lead to the expulsion of turbid liquid mixed with accumulated feces from her bowels. Finally, Momo's body is secured in a wheelchair with handcuffs for an examination of her nasal and oral cavities. A nasal speculum is used to widen her nasal passages for inspection deep into her nostrils. Fingers are inserted into her mouth to open and distort it for examination. When a long cotton swab stimulates the back of her throat, Momo reacts with tears and saliva, feeling nauseous, but the sadistic female doctor continues the throat stimulation with the cotton swab.